Copeland™ Online Product Information (OPI)

Copeland™ Online Product Information (OPI)

Search for products, including compressors and condensing units; gain access to product information with our powerful cross-reference tool; and much more.

Access The Product Data You Need

You deserve to be as informed as possible about the products you purchase. Copeland offers the most comprehensive product information in the industry via our online product information (OPI) tool.

Key features include:

  • Product Specifications for Compressors, Condensing Units, and More
  • Preliminary and Obsolete Data
  • Competitor and Obsolete Cross-Reference Data 
  • Library of Marketing and Application Engineering Bulletins
  • Software Downloads
  • Access to Our Online Tools and Resources
  • Where to Buy
  • Live Chat 24/5

If you are looking for technical documentation for systems controls products from the Digital Solutions business, click here to visit the technical documentation page.

Access The Product Data You Need

Learn More

Want to learn more about our enhanced, feature-rich OPI tool? Explore our resource materials to help you navigate this transition and read our blog to learn about the tool's recent enhancements!

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We strive to tailor our tools and resources to meet our customer's needs. Let us know your feedback by contacting us today!

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